Keeping Your Data Secure

It’s an unfortunate reality that website hacking exists, but here are the best (and simple!) tips and tricks to follow to keep your data secure and your account free malware: Keep your software and tools up to date. No matter the application you decide to use, it is very important to make sure you’re keeping…

What is the World Wide Web?

We use the World Wide Web (aka WWW or the Web) every day in work, life and education. But do you know the history of the World Wide Web and the difference between the Internet and the Web?

Securing Your Site with SSL

An SSL certificate is a way to show users of your site that you’ve taken steps to make sure their personal information is safe. Increasingly, visitors are becoming reluctant to visit websites without them because of warnings from their browsers that a site may be unsafe. Fortunately, setting up your domain with an SSL certificate…

Universal Design

Universal design is a useful idea to help guide the design of web content to fit the needs of your audience. This post outlines what universal design is and how you can use this idea to help create a website that is well considered and useful to your audience.

Making Your Site Accessible

Publishing content on the web has the potential to be open and accessible to many people when done so correctly. This post covers things to keep in mind when creating online content.

Building More Than One Website

Once you have built your first self-hosted website, you can build secondary websites that share the same domain name. With this web hosting account, your first website will likely be found on the main domain that you signed up with, otherwise known as your root domain. For example, let’s say that you signed up for…

Get to Know Your New Web Space

Thinking of web hosting as a plot of land is one of the easiest ways to make sense of all of the components that make up hosting, domains and websites. Access to web hosting is like having a plot of land or a physical space. A website is like a house to be built on…

Privacy and Consent

As a domain owner you need to let the users of your website(s) know about any data collection taking place and seek their explicit consent. This has been especially important since GDPR came into effect in May 2018. In this article you’ll find information on the following: Creating a Privacy Policy Getting Consent for Cookies…

Website Cookies

What are website cookies? Cookies are a key technology when it comes to tracking users and they are essential to the way targeted advertisement works. This short animation by The Guardian gives an overview of what cookies are and how they work: You can find more information on how cookies and similar technologies work in…

HTML, CSS and the Languages of the Web

You don’t really need to know any of the languages of the web to create an amazing website. However, it’s helpful to know what’s going on in the background as you create a space online. This will empower you as you understand why things may or may not appear as you’d expect or perhaps inspire…